Admissions Open for Session 2024-2025
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Lord Krishna Academy aims at a high standard of ethics and discipline. The Academy's code of conduct is included in its rules. The Academy does not believe in corporeal punishment to maintain discipline.
If a child errs, she/he will be courteously informed of the infringement.
In case a student becomes disruptive or violent the Academy will take recourse to time-out and any other measures that it may be fine etc. necessary for the purpose. Parents may be called to take the students away. The student can return only when she/he is willing to follow the discipline of the Academy. The Academy reserves the right to expel a student in case of a very serious breach of discipline.
What is Expected from the Students:
• They should be truthful, come what may.
• At play, they should never cheat or be idle gossip.
• They should not waste their time in idle gossip.
• They should avoid vulgarity in talk and behavior.
• They should always be amiable in and of the school.
• They should take pride in wearing their school uniform.
• They should respect the freedom and the rights of others.
• They should take good care of their health and keep robust and strong.
• They should stand attentively when any teacher/visitor comes to talk to them.
• They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
Through their conduct, they should earn name, fame and glory for their family, school, and nation.
• They should never hesitate to say 'No' when asked or tempted to do a thing which they know to be wrong.
• They should look upon the people from all parts of the words as their brethren irrespective of their colour and creed.
• They should respect beauty of the classroom and of the school premises and damage they may observe.
• They should accept and completed whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share. They must face difficulties courageously.
• They should never be cruel. They must know that cruelty is the trait of a bully whereas kindness is the mark of a gentleman or lady.
• Instead of lamenting or cribbing about the evil of the world, they must try to contribute their share in making it a better place to live in.
• At home, they must always be ready to lend a helping hand to their parents, brothers and sisters, in school to teachers, companions and any unattended visitor they happen to see on the school premises.